In 2022, the UN Environment Assembly came together and decided that it must be an international legally binding instrument to tackle plastic pollution. 190-plus countries must agree on a common treaty for them to start getting rid of plastics from the environment. It is a mandatory for us to think how to keep plastic in use. The target is by 2040 – all plastics waste will turn into full circularity products, leaving no leaking into the environment.
It is a fact that plastics are needed for electric cars and importantly to reach the net zero target. However, the more important to underline is – we don’t want plastic in the environment.
502 million metric tons of plastic will be produced this year (2024), of which two-thirds is single-use and short-lived, which will be all end up in the environment.
It is highly expected this year, 2024 Plastic Treaty agreement is ready to be implemented by starting to make the necessary changes. To facilitate the success, we call all stake holders: children, the youth, indigenous people, private sector, businesses, the petrochemical industries to participate actively.
Related link:
What is the Plastics Treaty? | #UNGA 79 People Series | United Nations
Saving the Planet from Plastics by Jayati Ghosh – Project Syndicate (project-syndicate.org)